Why Are Rollover Accidents So Dangerous?
Many larger vehicles are susceptible to rolling over if the driver goes too fast, takes a turn too fast, or hist a bad patch of ice. SUVs and CUVs, Jeeps, ATVs, and many trucks are more likely to roll over than passenger cars. A rollover can cause the vehicle to land on its roof, side, or to fully flip over. Many drivers and passengers die in a rollover crash. Survivors often suffer catastrophic or severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, and internal organ damage.
The families of victims who die in a rollover crash have the right to file a wrongful death case against the defendants responsible for the accident. Survivors have the right to seek compensation for their pain and suffering, all their medical bills, and any scarring or disfigurement. Survivors also have the right to compensation for their lost income because they can’t work while they’re receiving medical care. In addition, survivors have the right to compensation if they can’t work due to a permanent disability.
What do rollover crashes occur?
Rollover crashes are frightening. They’re often due to the fact that SUVs, Jeeps, and other vehicles that have a tendency to roll over have a different center of gravity than cars. This makes these rollover-prone vehicles more susceptible to external forces such as wind, centrifugal forces, objects in the road, and crashes with other vehicles. Most rollover accidents involve just one vehicle.
Driver negligence often contributes to rollover accidents in the following ways:
- Drivers who speed or drive through a turn too fast can flip over their vehicle
- Drivers who don’t know how to drive or drive too fast on slick roads (due to rain or snow)
- Drivers who don’t reduce their speed or fail to use caution in construction areas
- Drivers who aren’t careful when riding over roads that are uneven
- Drivers who operate their vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
Drivers who text or talk on a phone while driving and drivers who don’t get enough rest may also contribute to a rollover accident.
Who may be liable if a rollover crash kills a loved one or causes your injuries?
Our skilled rollover accident lawyers work aggressively to hold all responsible parties liable for death and injuries. We file claims against the following people:
- A driver if another vehicle caused your SUV or another vehicle to roll over.
- The driver of the vehicle you were in, if you were in a passenger.
- The owners of any vehicle driver by a liable defendant.
- Product manufacturers, distributors, and retailers – if a product defect caused the rollover. In product defect cases, there is no need to prove negligence. The companies are liable if the product was defective, and the defect caused the accident and death/injuries.
- A governmental entity such as the Mississippi Department of Transportation if poor road design (such as roads that have too steep of a curve) caused the rollover accident.
Other defendants may be liable depending on what happened. For example, a trucking company may be liable if a negligent truck driver caused your injuries.
What types of injuries do rollover accidents cause?
Sadly, death is a very common result of a rollover crash. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety provided the following analysis for 2019:
- More than 6,300 drivers and passengers died in rollover accidents. Nearly 75% of these rollover accidents involved some sort of impact before the rollover occurred.
- Passengers were in the vehicle in more than a quarter of the rollover crashes that caused fatalities.
- Single-vehicle rollover accidents were much more common than rollover accidents involving multiple cars.
Accident victims who survive the crash are likely to suffer catastrophic and serve injuries such as:
- Traumatic brain injuries that may cause cognitive injuries and disabilities along with severe physical and emotional pain, often due to loss of oxygen to the brain
- Spinal cord damage that may cause paralysis and a lifetime of chronic pain
- Broken bones
- Whiplash and other neck injuries
- Injuries to internal organs such as lungs and kidneys
- Damage to nerves, joints, ligaments, tissue, and muscles
- Heart failure
- Cuts and bruises
- Any type of injury that can occur due to being crushed, striking a dashboard or another person, airbag failure, or other physical forces
Vehicle features that may reduce the odds of a rollover
Some SUVs, CUVs, and other vehicles are being equipped with assistive technology to help keep the vehicle stable. If you’re thinking about buying a larger vehicle, you can also check resources such as the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) for information about how likely the vehicle is to be in a rollover crash.
There are also common-sense safety tips such as making sure your tires have the correct tread and inflation levels, and that you don’t drink and drive, you’re rested, and you turn your smartphone off while you’re in the vehicle.
At Merkel & Cocke, P.A. our Mississippi car and truck accident lawyers handle all types of crashes including rollovers, head-on crashes, sideswipes, and rear-end collisions. We’re experienced at settling cases with insurance companies and trying cases in court. We seek compensation for all your injuries or for the tragic death of a loved one. If you were hurt or a parent, child, or other relative died in any type of vehicle crash, call us at 662-627-9641 or fill out our contact form to discuss your case. Consultations are free. We handle accident cases on a contingency fee basis. We represent accident victims in Jackson, Clarksdale, Oxford, Tupelo, and across the Gulf Coast Region.

After graduating from the University of Virginia Law School in 1975, Mr. Cocke and Mr. Merkel established Merkel & Cocke, P.A. in 1982. Since that time the emphasis of Mr. Cocke’s practice has progressed toward medical malpractice. At the present time his practice is exclusively devoted to handling medical negligence cases for the plaintiff, either as a result of direct contact by the client or on referral from other attorneys who are not familiar with the handling of medical negligence cases. Mr. Cocke was selected Best Lawyer of the year for 2012 and 2014 in The Memphis area in the field of Medical Malpractice and has been selected a Best Lawyer and Super Lawyer every year since 2006. Learn more about John Hartwell Cocke here.