Designer Prenatal Tests Hurt More Than Help

Expecting a new baby is a magical, wonderful thing full of joy. Whether it is a family’s first or ninth, knowing a new life is going to join your world is typically the best news someone can receive. That is why they jump right into preparations in every way possible. Designing a nursery, choosing a…

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Truck Drivers Use Dangerous Measures to Keep Awake

While those on the outside of the profession may think truck driving is an easy way to make money, those who actually do it know the truth. It is a grueling and intense job, with long hours, heavy lifting, and more isolation than people should have. It is a necessary and essential job, but as…

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What Are the Causes of Work Zone Accidents in Mississippi?

When you’re driving on the highway, having found your speed sweet spot, perhaps enjoying your favorite music, it perhaps comes as a bit of a disappointment and annoyance when you see those “Road Work Ahead” signs in the distance. But it IS important to slow down and drive cautiously. Thousands of Americans put their lives…

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Winter Slips and Falls Caused by Ice, Sleet, and Snow

In the summertime, it’s hot and humid, and we have to worry about staying hydrated and keeping cool so that we don’t end up sick or hurt. When the seasons change, there’s a whole new set of risks we need to be concerned about. Ice, sleet, and snow might not be exceptionally common in Mississippi,…

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Neck and Brain Trauma from Mississippi Truck Accidents

The highways are dangerous, often full of all sorts of vehicles that weave between large and small cars and trucks all the same. Drivers who are texting, inebriated, or otherwise distracted don’t realize that not only are they putting themselves at risk, but also those around them. They don’t realize how long some of their…

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Common Motorcycle Accidents in Mississippi

It’s the weekend, and there’s no better time to take the motorcycle out for a spin. The wind in your hair, the trees and cars rushing past you, the hum of the engine. It’s exhilarating and freeing, but it’s also dangerous. With no protection save for the gear and clothes you wear, crashes happen often…

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Injury Claims Involving Construction Vehicles

Roadway and building construction crews use many different vehicles, all moving at different speeds. Not only do drivers face a risk of injury in the event of a collision, but so do the workers on site. Depending on the nature of the collision, a Mississippi injury victim may be able to file a personal injury…

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Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy: Not Just for Pro Athletes

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, is brain degeneration believed to be caused by repeated trauma to the head. Although CTE remains mostly a mystery to doctors and researchers, we do know it can only be diagnosed post-mortem and tends to appear in athletes who played contact sports, or military personnel exposed to loud explosives. However,…

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