Can I Sue a Golf Course if I Get Hurt?

Can I Sue a Golf Course if I Get Hurt?Injuries happen more often at golf courses than you might think. Whether it’s because of dangerous conditions on the property, the result of another player’s actions, or a mishap with a golf cart, you might have a claim for damages. Still, it can be difficult to sue a golf course for your injuries, so you’ll need to speak to a Mississippi injury lawyer to learn whether you have a strong case.

The dangers of golf courses

Don’t underestimate the risks inherent to golfing or just being on a golf course.

In one study, researchers estimated that 25-67% of amateur golfers suffer injuries. Golf carts are responsible for many of the more serious injuries that take place on courses. Per research published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics, more than 15,000 injuries associated with golf carts are reported annually in the United States. Common reasons why these injuries occur include falls and ejections from the carts themselves.

Along with these potential risks, golf made the National Lightning Council’s “Deadly Dozen” list of the twelve activities that contributed most to U.S. lightning-related fatalities between 2006 and 2024. Golf ranked twelfth on the list, with 14 lightning-related deaths recorded during this time frame.

Common golf injuries

Just because you play golf safely and take precautions does not mean you can avoid injuries on a golf course. Common injuries reported at golf courses include:

In addition to these, a golfer can die due to someone else’s reckless or careless act against them.

For example, imagine that a golfer is driving a golf cart faster than the posted speed limit. They strike another golfer, and the accident is fatal. In this tragic example, the golfer died as a result of the cart driver’s negligence. As the victim’s family deals with this incident’s aftermath, they could pursue legal help from a Mississippi wrongful death lawyer.

The attorney could provide legal representation and help the victim’s family recover compensation for their late loved one’s lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses.

What is the impact of golf course injuries?

Golf course injuries can lead to long-term conditions and complications. These can require physical therapy, surgery, hospital care, and other extensive treatments and therapy. Furthermore, they can cost thousands of dollars to treat.

A catastrophic injury could leave you paralyzed or with cognitive brain damage. Catastrophic injuries can also hamper your ability to work and result in lost income and financial hardships.

If you get hurt at a golf course, hire a Mississippi personal injury lawyer who can work with you to recover proper compensation for your golf course injuries and related losses.

Can I sue if I’m injured on a golf course in Mississippi?

You can sue if you’re injured on a golf course in Mississippi, but there are limitations.

Many golf courses have waivers that users are required to sign before golfing. Some list their rules and warnings for players online.

For instance, Mississippi State University has restrictions relating to the use of golf carts. It directs players on how to navigate the green and protect themselves from lightning or other inclement weather.

Golf courses typically list their rules for players at the entrance. Violating the rules may indicate that you were at fault, or partly at fault, for your injuries.

Signing a waiver or paper indicating that you have read the rules may protect the facility against some liability. Yet, that is not always the case. It’s worthwhile to call a Mississippi personal injury attorney to explain the situation, and learn what options you may have.

What should I do if I get hurt on a Mississippi golf course?

Use these tips to protect yourself in the moments after you suffer your golf course injury and boost your chances of building a compelling case against any liable parties.

Receive medical attention

Do not “tough it out.” Get medical attention and allow a doctor to evaluate and diagnose your injury. Follow your doctor’s treatment instructions and attend follow-up medical appointments. Keep track of your medical expenses, as you could receive compensation for these from anyone who caused you to get hurt.

Report the incident

Tell golf course personnel about the incident that led to your injury. Share details about the time and location of the incident and what led to it happening. Do not take responsibility for the incident or your injury. If you do, you risk hurting your chances of securing compensation as part of an insurance claim or lawsuit.

Take photos and videos at the scene

If you have your smartphone with you, use it to capture visual proof from the scene where you got hurt. Also, connect with anyone who saw you suffer your injury. These individuals can serve as witnesses if you take legal action against any at-fault parties.

Request legal help

Meet with a personal injury lawyer in Mississippi within days of your injury. This attorney can ask you questions and get information about your case. Once they have that information, they can let you know if they believe an insurance claim or injury lawsuit is warranted.

If you want to pursue compensation from anyone liable for your golf course injury, do so right away. Based on Mississippi Code § 15-1-49, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is three years. Beyond this window, you will be unable to file a claim.

How can a Mississippi injury lawyer help me?

A Mississippi injury attorney handles your legal matters while you recover from the harm you have suffered on a golf course. They offer legal services and support across several areas, including:

  • Investigating the incident that led to your injury
  • Identifying any parties liable for your injury
  • Reviewing golf course rules and regulations and determining if violations of these contributed to your injury
  • Calculating your economic and non-economic damages, including the costs you incur due to medical bills, loss of income, and emotional distress
  • Addressing your legal concerns and questions at each stage of your legal proceedings
  • Communicating with an insurance company on your behalf
  • Negotiating a settlement and providing updates about any offers

Who you hire as your injury lawyer makes a world of difference. Choose an attorney who has previously helped clients receive outstanding verdicts and settlements. Your lawyer can be your advocate, which means having someone who fights for your best interests.

Trust a Mississippi personal injury lawyer to assist you with your golf course injury case

Since 1982, Merkel & Cocke, P.A. has provided aggressive advocacy for injury victims and their families. Our legal team can evaluate your golf course injury case and help you hold any liable parties accountable for their actions.

Give us the opportunity to represent you in your injury case. To request a free case consultation, contact us today.